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Diving ducks

The Diving duck categorization encompasses many different species of ducks that feed mainly under water and that are less at ease on land.
diving duck - illustration
Waterproof plumage of various colors depending on the species.
Webbed feet located at the back of the body, more than in dabbling ducks.
Rounded beak
Posture more vertical than the dabbling duck.
Fact sheets
They feed under water
diving duck diet
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To eat we dive under the surface of the water to chase our food. We mostly eat fish, molluscs and sometimes aquatic plants.
Physical abilities
Legs useful for diving, but much less for walking!
diving duck - legs
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Physical abilities
Indeed our legs, located at the back of our body, are very useful to propel us forward when we are under the surface of the water. Conversely though they are much less convenient when it comes time to walk on terra firma!
They migrate during the winter to stay warm.
diving duck migration
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Most species of diving ducks migrate to spend the winter in salt water, in warmer places where food is more easily accessible because the bodies of water remain open.
diving duck portrait
What to do if you find a bird in distress?

Throughout the year, it is possible to cross paths with a bird in distress: broken or damaged wing, collision with a vehicle or electrical wires, birds are often unlucky and face many dangers. If you find a bird in distress, contact the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs at 1-877-346-6763

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Diving Ducks
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